Missing a call on your cell phone is annoying to say the least and can be disastrous in other cases. I don’t know anyone who did not have such unpleasant ‘missed that call’ experiences. The problem usually happens if you keep your phone in a pocket or bag. Not everyone likes to hold a cell phone in their hands all the time or have it tangling around the neck.
As many people as there are suffering from the ‘missed call syndrome’ as many design concepts exist that promise to solve this issue by integrating visual incoming call alerts into easy to see items like clothing or bags. Only – not many of those great ideas did make it into the market yet.
However, one device that made it is the BluAlert Bluetooth bracelet, which can be purchased from ThinkGeek, for about 50 US dollars. The BluAlert bracelet works perfectly simple, it uses Bluetooth technology to buzz discretely on your wrist when your phone rings. Even in the loudest room or the most boisterous dance-floor, you won’t miss it when BlueAlert goes off.
As added bonus, the BluAlert acts like a security device, once paired with your phone it will start buzzing when you are more than 5 meter separated from your phone. Also impressive about it is the standby time of 100 hours by a charging time of only 3 hours.
The BluAlert bracelet might not be the most fashionable wrist jewelry but it promises to do a great job in keeping the communication lines open all times. Nevertheless, it doesn't completely lack style, a plus being its simplicity of design. Depending on the value you attach to the option to never miss a call again (and maybe never lose your cell phone again) you might actually be willing to make a fashion compromise and spend the aforementioned amount on the BluAlert Bluetooth bracelet.
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