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Solarjo Power Purse
Most of the times, when fashion and technology meet, their "marriage" is not exactly the most successful, because, as it's been proven so far, in order to be classy and fashionable, an item can't comprise a certain technology.

However, it seems that the exception to this “rule” has arrived, in the form of the Power Purse, developed by a mechanical engineering student, Joe Hynek. The bag uses solar panels to absorb the sun's rays and turn them directly into electricity and its design is amazingly sleek and trendy. With this bag, you can charge your mobile phone, camera of personal organizer, even while on the move, to the most elegant party in long it doesn't rain, that is.

The black rectangular bag - which needs two hours of full sunlight to charge a mobile phone battery - uses laminated solar panels made of photovoltaic film to convert sunlight into electricity. Power is then transmitted to a circuit board inside the bag's lining, which is attached to two batteries that store electricity for charging for up to one month.

The batteries are connected to an USB port, which protrudes through the bag's lining and devices can be attached directly to it or by using an adapter. The great thing about this bag is that it is not only eco-conscious, but it is also extremely fashionable, sporting useful technology and good looks at the same time.

It can be topped up from a sunny windowsill as well as in the open air, and is resilient to scratches and punctures. Announced to retail for approximately $300, the Power Bag is due to go on sale online at the end of 2008. This means that, even though this item pleases both worlds (known to usually be expensive both), that of fashion and technology, it will be affordable for everybody, indifferent of their status and financial resources.


Windows Gadgets